Open Roads are Amazing......

Road Trip Day1.....6am

As I left home this morning in warm air daylight was just starting to break from pitch blackness. The roads are totally empty at the best of times but on a Sunday, well even the Sanglier 'wild boar' and deer are having a morning rest from venturing out of thick forest density by the side of the mountain roads. The bike isn't overly laden, it just has the saddlebags in place with an overnight bag on the rack, plus I've got the windshield in place to deflect all the elements. Good really as the handling is not impeded in any way.

My journey out of our village takes me up and through the mountains we are surrounded by. The sun starts to make its way between the lower openings between the mountains. I simply have a feeling of euphoria as the scenery and striking beauty of the area never fails to impress. It has a spiritual feeling and when riding these empty beautiful roads you soon become one with yourself and machine. There's nothing better than getting into the 'zone' when riding. It's hard to explain other than being one with the bike in a relaxed state mentally and physically as you manoeuvre the different curves and stretches of the road. Your mind doesn't have to battle with anything as the experience is effortless. Even the concentration required becomes null and void because enjoyment overtakes all other aspects of the ride.

For the first two hours of my journey I navigated the 'Massif Central' mountains with stunning views and ever changing temperatures every few minutes miles due to altitudes changes.
One moment riding with warm sunshine hitting your face to a feeling of sharp brevity as cold mists make you shudder as you drive literally through clouds.

No photos do justice to the landscapes I'm describing but these quick roadside snaps give an idea.

Heading down a 7 degree hill to this cloud was amazing as sunshine warmed my face.

Moments later I rode through the mist of dense cloud under which a small village nestelled by the side of the road. It had a calm ery presence shadowed by the isolated cloud almost like an island.
Simply put 'cool!'

650 Miles later today I'm resting before my crossing tomorrow and trying to absorb the varying landscapes I travelled through today. None were as wonderful as the mountains near home or the stunning views captured whilst riding the 'Massif Central'. The different temperatures and the peed and ease of which I was able to do my journey. 
