A Month since the Unspeakable.......

Anxiety and patience don't go together! I manage my anxiety as best as I can by distraction, this includes keeping busy by drawing, painting and of course riding my motorcycle. So what happens to your frustration when you can't ride temporarily.
Especially when seeing about a hundred Harleys from your local chapter riding over an overpass in your rear view mirror whilst you are driving on an autoroute in the opposite direction.
Lots there's lots of Internet surfing of bike forums, accessory suppliers and eBay. Looking for ideas and items for your motorcycle when it returns. Then of course there's the ordering of various items. Unfortunately whilst this is therapy there's an added stress whilst waiting for various ordered items to be delivered. When your road doesn't apparently exist on a sat nav French couriers either simply return items.....not good or deliver to a local drop off/collection point....very good. It's all a bit of a lottery at times!

Sometimes reassurance from your insurance company is all that is required to alleviate the daily question.....'wonder what's happening with my bike?' 
Followed by 'Wish I had my bike right now' as another motorcycle carves its way up the mountain road you're driving. So when you receive an email from the insurance estimator asking to give him a call there's no hesitation in a response.

A positive conversation follows with a former Harley tech who has worked on some of my previous motorcycles. Our lists of damages are compared and various safety aspects of key items are bought to my attention which I would have visually overlooked, for example, a new rear tyre, wheel bearings and muffler. Possibly a new belt and sprocket. I'm pleased with the discussion as it pacifiers my anxiety. I know 'velocity red' will be as good as new once returned.

The good news is that I should in theory be reunited with my medicine in approximately one months time. Watch this space.
