The Impromptu Road Trip

Every now and then situations arise which define you to take actions. In this instance a quick road trip by bike necessitates itself as it's the easiest and most practical solution for me to make an important appointment in the UK.

This is key to the freedom aspect and experience of motorcycle ownership. One of the initial reasons I originally took up motorcycling. Just being able to climb on the bike to get to places easily without constraints from other factors. Nothing new I suppose if you're a seasoned biker as its something we take for granted. It's only as I write about this that I really give it some thought, especially as in this day and age we have technology available to us. Checking the weather, booking crossings or accommodations are made simple, but still having the fundamental ease to get up and go is what I have always liked about being a biker.

My journey is approximately 780 miles each way and is literally a 'there' and 'back' trip. I will be riding all day Sunday through France from one end to the other, staying overnight before crossing via tunnel first thing Monday. Having appointment and picking up a couple of things before returning later on Monday. Nothing booked for Monday night but hey I'll ride and see how it goes. So apart from checking the weather and more importantly my bike there's nothing really to pack other than my full set of waterproofs and have my map of France in my jacket.

The last time I did the same journey two months ago I rode the entire return journey over a two day period in torrential rain. It wasn't fun just tiring as concentration takes over when dealing with the elements. I believe I may be in luck on this trip with sunshine. France can be unpredictable in places as the landscape changes immensely with massive open areas where strong winds can cause wobbles from the large vehicles when overtaking to downpours in valley's, temperatures fluctuate from South to North dramatically as you approach the UK.

I'll post some pictures later of the bike ready to go and hopefully update the blog after day1 of the trip.
